Veronica McKain

Office Administration, Paralegal Studies

Veronica McKain came to Delaware Tech for the first time in fall 2005 after earning her GED. During her first semester, she struggled with adjusting to college life. "Fraught with anxiety and a host of other issues, I seemed destined to struggle and was not successful during my first semester,她说. Two years later she tried again with similar results. "I was filled with self-doubt, overwhelmed with a host of issues, and unsure of which path I wanted to pursue," she recalled.

2007年秋天, McKain found herself pregnant and decided to put her education on pause to focus on taking care of her baby. "I decided not to continue with classes for a while, both to care for my baby and to get my head straight,她说. 2010年春天, she gave it another shot and completed her first college class: Intro to the Legal System. This grew her confidence tremendously. "I had found my niche, and I wanted to achieve my goal of being the first in my family to graduate college; and I had a child I wanted to make proud,她说. After completing that first class, McKain forged ahead and completed all her pre-tech classes and continued pursuing her degree.

2011年秋天, she experienced a minor roadblock – she became unexpectedly pregnant with her second child. Still, this did not stop her from pursuing her education. "I didn't falter and jumped right back into school in the spring of 2012, and by the spring of 2013 I was enrolled in college full time and sprinting to the finish line,她说.

In spring 2014, McKain graduated from Delaware Tech with two Associate of Applied Science degrees in Office Administration and Paralegal Studies. "Delaware Tech gave me second chances along the way, and the support of the College and the people there allowed me to finally achieve my goal and to push even further,她说. In August 2021, McKain earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in Paralegal Studies from Widener Delaware Law. She has worked for the Delaware Department of Justice as a paralegal in the Special Victims Unit for over five years and enjoys being able to make a difference in her community. "I will be forever grateful for the opportunities Delaware Tech provided me and for the impact it has had on my life,她说.


Veronica McKain
Veronica McKain

Program of Study
Office Administration, Paralegal Studies

毕业 Year